Friday 19 September 2014



Grandparents Day Art

Preparing for Grandparents Day! on PhotoPeach

Thursday 11 September 2014

Sweet reading at the library

Today Room7 went to the Mairehau  Library at our school. We have over 500 books in our school library. Reading at the library is awesome because we have a kiva to relax in. We have really cool books like Geronimo Stilton, Where's Wally and joke books.
Published by  Alissa, Tommy and Daniel

Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

Last week we got to listen to some people from the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. They introduced the oboe , keyboard, drums, harp, violin and vocals. The school did a vocal together and it sounded pretty cool. The orchestra were here all week  helping all of the classes in the school create a musical act. On Friday afternoon we put on a performance and we ROCKED!

They even played the newspaper!

Thursday 14 August 2014

E papa waiari using ti rakau sticks

Room 7 have been practising  E papa waiari with ti rakau sticks.At first we did our own routine now we are practicing one all together.This morning we came in and decided to practis E papa waiari with miss Te Rangi recording us. By Evie, Ella, Georgia and Hannah

Friday 8 August 2014

Collin Slade's awesome loom band!

I made Colin Slade a loom band. I know Colin because we are good friends with his brother Ben. It made me feel quite happy to see a picture on Facebook of him wearing it. Did you know that he goes out and kids just throw them at him. One day he came to my house to visit and it made me feel really excited and special.
 Published by Jordon

Thursday 31 July 2014

Zumba Last Night

Me and Miss Randall went to Zumba last night. If you don't know what Zumba is it is a Dance and exercise class. You get to dance in the dark and there are different coloured lights that flash. It was the Zumba teachers last night because she is going to Japan to teach English. I think it is interesting that we are going to get a new teacher because we might do different songs.

By Ella

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Monday 28 July 2014

Homework Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunt on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Freaky Frog Escape

One night when we came home with some fish and chips Suzy our dog saw a creepy creature half under the mat. We thought it was a spider or maybe a slug - yeeech !! Then we realised it was a Houdini frog!! How did it get out of the tank? And climb over our ninja weapons and hop across the carpet??
We caught him in a container and put him back. We sealed up the corner hole with netting.
I think he wanted some fish and chips!!
Photos of Room 7 tadpole and frogs: 
The tiny corner he escaped from
 Houdini on the floor
Caught in a plastic container
Written by Alex

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Miss Te Rangi

Today we met our student teacher called Miss Te Rangi. She is going to be in our class for 5 weeks at the start of next term. Today we told Miss Te Rangi what we liked and what our names were. We got to find out what her favourite things were too. She only stayed for half of the day. We are looking forward to her teaching us. We are hoping that she will teach us some Māori and fun activities. It is her birthday on the day she leaves our class. We might have a class party. 

Amazing Maths

We were putting the numbers in order from the smallest to the biggest. We felt proud of ourselves! 

Published by Jessica and Courtney


When I got my Skylanders book I was dancing around because I had been waiting for it for two weeks! As soon as I got home I read some of the pages. When I read it I was so excited my head exploded because there were so many different Skylanders in the book that I hadn't seen before. When I went to bed I put my Skylanders book next to me under the blankets and went to sleep. In the morning I got ready for school and put my bag on. When I got to Room 7 I showed my friends my Skylanders book and everyone flipped out! IT'S MY FAVOURITE BOOK IN THE WORLD! 

Published by Teimana

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Tidy Kiwis!

We thought we would do a wee tidy up of the school to keep our environment safe and healthy. A wee tidy up turned into a gigantic tidy up. We ended up collecting 13 full bags of trash!

Monday 30 June 2014

Bird on head!

When my family was in Australia we went camping for Easter. While we were camping we fed some birds and one flew onto my head. He was eating some food while he was on my head too! Another one of the birds we fed ate my cousin's ice block. The birds made us all laugh because they were tickling us with their little claws. 

Published by Ella 

Wednesday 25 June 2014


Hi Room 7

Check out what I have been learning on my course. Now I know how to put moving pictures onto the blog. I can't wait to show you all tomorrow.

Miss R


Today we read an article from a magazine that taught us about water cities. We learnt that water cities don't have cars they have boats and instead of roads they have canals. 
The people that live in water cities get their food from the water by fishing. Some also wash their clothes and themselves in the water too. 

We found out about these cities:
Kashmir-India, Lake Toba-Indionesia, St Ives-England, Amsterdam-TheNetherlands.

It was pretty cool that we learnt about water cities because none of us knew about them. It was really interesting!

My Holiday

Our Cruise Holiday on PhotoPeach

Thursday 19 June 2014

Swimming Lessons

In week six and seven the year 4&3's are taking swimming lessons at Graham Condon pool.This is one of the lessons in the pool. Can you guess what they are learning?

The Ants

Today at reading time the polar bears read a description called The Ants. The story was written by a year six boy called Lachlan. It's a very good description because he made us feel like an ant by using powerful words. If you read it you might feel like an ant too!

My 9th birthday party

On Sunday the 8th of June I went to clip and climb for my birthday party .My friends and my brother came too.In this photo is us all in the cafe having food and eating a minon cake.I invite three friends from school and two from sports.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Antarctic Seals fun facts!

1. Female seals are called cows.
2. Baby seals are called seal pups.
3. In spring the female seals haul themselves up onto the ice then they give birth.
4. When the pup gets hungry they snuggle close to their mother and feed on her rich, creamy milk.
5. Seal pups that have just been born grow very fast.
6. They have thick, fluffy fur that protects them from the freezing cold ice.
7. Sometimes the mother seals take their pups out to the dangerous sea to teach them how to swim.
8. There are three types of seals: Weddell, Crabeater and Leopard.
9. Crabeater and leopard seal pups are just one month old when they stop feeding from their mothers.
10. Weddell pups need to start hunting food for themselves after seven weeks.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Mr Science :)


Bevan’s Blog post – 21st May 2014


Today I went to Merrin School and did a science project. My teacher is called Marcela. Our topic for the term is light. We were working on making a pin hole viewer (that is what I am holding in my picture). First we got a cardboard tube and some baking paper and a rubber band. Second we put the baking paper over the top of the cardboard then stuck the rubber band round the end of the tube. Then we put duct tape on the side of the tube. Next week we will finish it off and make it into a torch.  For a snack we had fruit and banana cake. We got our own booklets for taking notes and drawing pictures. At the end we got a lolly snake.Then we went home and saw Gran and Granddad at our house.

By Bevan.



Thursday 15 May 2014

Show and tell Ella the stuffed toy

This is my stuffed elephant Ella .She is very soft.I love her.


Tommy's whistling bird

Riley,s awesome bunny

This is my bunny. I got it when I was born.His name is Mimzy. He is a boy.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Term 2 Waste Free Wednesday

Term 2


Today is Wednesday . We have 7 lunch boxes with waste free food. The celery looks delicious! 

Published by Logan 

Bounce the target

This week in room 7 for homework we all had to draw or make a game that included a soccer ball because for p.e we are doing soccer. I made a game called bounce the target .

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Show and tell

Hannah, Alissa and Ella did a show and tell to Room 7 on Tuesday. Hannah showed a glow ball toy,Ella showed her picture book and Alissa brought in her iPod touch.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Skate Champ

Here are some videos of me at the new skate park.


Ethan's Rad Rugby Photos

On Saturday I went to the Lego movie with my dad and mum. My favourite part of the movie was when Emett had to drive a motorbike and he crashed into all of the cops

I got an invitation to see the Crusaders and go to the Crusaders vs Brumbies game. The Crusaders smashed the Brumbies by 20! I got to play a little game of rugby with the Crusaders after they finished playing the Brumbies. My team won against the Crusaders! Some of the Crusaders I got to see were Owen Franks, Zac Guildford and Corey Flynn.