Thursday 31 July 2014

Zumba Last Night

Me and Miss Randall went to Zumba last night. If you don't know what Zumba is it is a Dance and exercise class. You get to dance in the dark and there are different coloured lights that flash. It was the Zumba teachers last night because she is going to Japan to teach English. I think it is interesting that we are going to get a new teacher because we might do different songs.

By Ella

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Monday 28 July 2014

Homework Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunt on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Freaky Frog Escape

One night when we came home with some fish and chips Suzy our dog saw a creepy creature half under the mat. We thought it was a spider or maybe a slug - yeeech !! Then we realised it was a Houdini frog!! How did it get out of the tank? And climb over our ninja weapons and hop across the carpet??
We caught him in a container and put him back. We sealed up the corner hole with netting.
I think he wanted some fish and chips!!
Photos of Room 7 tadpole and frogs: 
The tiny corner he escaped from
 Houdini on the floor
Caught in a plastic container
Written by Alex

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Miss Te Rangi

Today we met our student teacher called Miss Te Rangi. She is going to be in our class for 5 weeks at the start of next term. Today we told Miss Te Rangi what we liked and what our names were. We got to find out what her favourite things were too. She only stayed for half of the day. We are looking forward to her teaching us. We are hoping that she will teach us some Māori and fun activities. It is her birthday on the day she leaves our class. We might have a class party. 

Amazing Maths

We were putting the numbers in order from the smallest to the biggest. We felt proud of ourselves! 

Published by Jessica and Courtney


When I got my Skylanders book I was dancing around because I had been waiting for it for two weeks! As soon as I got home I read some of the pages. When I read it I was so excited my head exploded because there were so many different Skylanders in the book that I hadn't seen before. When I went to bed I put my Skylanders book next to me under the blankets and went to sleep. In the morning I got ready for school and put my bag on. When I got to Room 7 I showed my friends my Skylanders book and everyone flipped out! IT'S MY FAVOURITE BOOK IN THE WORLD! 

Published by Teimana

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Tidy Kiwis!

We thought we would do a wee tidy up of the school to keep our environment safe and healthy. A wee tidy up turned into a gigantic tidy up. We ended up collecting 13 full bags of trash!