Thursday, 3 April 2014

Anti-bullying song goes viral

On Monday for our current events we read an article about an anti- bullying song. After we read the article we watched a video of the song. The song is called One voice. You can watch it below. You can also see some of our work that we did that tells you how and why the singer created the song.



  1. Miss Randal, I showed my Mum this song and she likes it too, we talked about how bullying can affect someone and how other people can help stop it. From Courtney.

  2. that is pretty cool from Jamaine

  3. miss randall my mum loved the song from alissa

  4. Wow ! cool work. I wish I got to do it!

    From Evie and Ella

  5. hi guys we did that at are school and the video is there too. mackenzie from sprinngston school


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