Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Rain, rain go away...

Hi Room 7

What a wet and windy Wednesday!

I hope you are all snuggled up inside with a blanket and a cup of milo!

I came to school at 7.30 this morning and WOW what a sight I saw!
Water, water everywhere. It was in front of our classroom,behind
our classroom but thankfully not inside our classroom.

When I was looking at some photos of the flooding there was one photo
that really made me laugh. It had something to do with an unusual animal
crossing the road. Click on the link below and see if you can spot which
animal it is. If you find it make sure you write a comment that says you
have. Don't write down the animal though, lets leave it a surprise for
other people who visit our blog.

Flood Photos

Since I know how much you all LOVE the chocolate cake video I have put
it below so you can have a giggle with your family.

Happy watching!

Miss R


  1. Thank you for sharing the Chocolate cake video Miss Randall, my family thought it was funny. I spotted the animal that does not usually cross the road. From Courtney

  2. I found it. That is Cool.
    Jackson Hunger

  3. Good job Courtney and Jackson! You can use the interactive whiteboard tomorrow morning to show the rest of the class what you have found :)

    Miss R

  4. I found the animal too. It looks awesome!

  5. Alex

    It does look awesome!
    Who would ever expect that animal to be crossing the road.
    Not me!

    Miss R

    1. Alex

      You can share your findings with Courtney and Jackson in the morning too .

      Miss R

  6. It was funny because animals don't usually cross the road like that and how did that even get there!

  7. Our family it and were very surprised. It is very unusual. I wonder how it got there? Caitlin

  8. We love the chocolate cake video from Oli and Jess and Mum


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